Friday, April 29, 2011

The "Chuck" Drinking Game

About a year ago, Squirt got very into the NBC series "Chuck".  She subsequently pleaded, cajoled and whined until I agreed to watch the first few episodes.  (The whining is really what did it.) 

We started with the first season, which was ultimately cut short by the writer's strike.  I was not impressed.  She then continued to whine (she knows the secret for how to get me to do things) until I would agree to watch the second season.  She won that as well.  I started the second season and I can safely say that I am now hooked. 

However, my initial distaste for the show created what has become the official My Favorite Neighbors Chuck Drinking Game.  4 simple rules, 1 great way to enjoy a great show.  
  1. When the little "nerd" icon falls out of Chuck's nose in the intro, drink.  (This only happens once, but it's disgusting.)
  2. Chuck's flash face is stupid.  Drink every time he does it.
  3. Every time Sarah loses her gun in a fight, drink.
  4. Every time Casey grunts, drink.

There are special rules for some of the sillier episodes, like the Cat Squad one, but in a nutshell, these are the rules. 

For now, Chuck is still on the air, so feel free to enjoy the next few new episodes of Chuck with this game in mind. 

-- Sis