Thursday, June 9, 2011

Our First Time

Listen to our very first podcast, wherein we discuss sad moopy sad sacks, sister dynamic, ghosts and Sinead O'Rebellion.

The First Time (May 7, 2011)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Buffy beats Bella

A few weeks ago, I saw a commercial advertising that they are gong to start syndicating “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” on Teennick (formerly Noggin, formerly TheN) . I cannot explain how ecstatic this information made me. I am a HUGE Buffy Fan. Not only do I have the complete series on DVD but also all 70 or so VHS tapes which contain the original recording from the WB on Tuesday nights.  I was not only excited for me, I was excited for this generation of girls that would get a chance to be exposed to Buffy. In a world of Mean and Gossip girls where Scheming is valued over Strength, Buffy is a show where “staking in the heart” is valued over “stabbing in the back.”

Another reason why I was so happy about this is because Buffy ain’t no Bella.  I am NOT on the Twilight bandwagon. I am also not on the “I hate Twilight” bandwagon, either.  I came by my contempt honestly.  I tried.  I really did.  But after attempting to read the books 3 times and falling into boredom-induced comas, I just gave up.  And I’m not exaggerating here,  I literally fell asleep, for hours at a time.  

The problem I had was that I did not like Bella and unfortunately, she is the main character.  She’s just so milquetoast, so completely useless that it pains me (actually causes me physical pain).  

But my girl Buffy, she kicks butt and does it with style. She was beautiful, popular and semi-decent student, but she was also strong and extremely loyal to her friends.  This series was just so good and well done, I am excited that this generation will have a chance to embrace it!

But all is not always well in Sunnydale.... (Grrr, Argh!)  :)

The whitest people you know:  There are no actors of color.  Not one.  There is not even a racially ambiguous Asian or Latino.  It’s not until the 5th or 6th season that we see some black slayers and hunters.  So for those that believe that Buffy is the pinnacle of YA TV, think again.  Diversify, Whedon, diversify!

As much as I LOVE Sara Michelle Geller (now Sarah Prinze) and am impressed at how good of shape she was in for Buffy, I cannot believe that she could take down half of the vampires, demons, ghosts, ghoulies, gods, what have you that she fought. She couldn’t have weighed more than a buck 10 and she was barely 5’1”.  While I have been trained from TV that martial arts is not about strength but about skill, I have to believe that  at some point brute strength is going to win out. And the odds of a 100lb girl taking out a 300 monster just ain’t gonna happen.

Even with all of these detractors, Buffy is still such a freakin’ good show that I will definitely be watching the episodes as they cycle through TeenNick and through a brand-new generation of Buffy fans.
